2nd Prize under Female Professional Category Video Blogging Competition. 2020
“My Life, My Yoga”2020
Graduate Student Travel Fund Prize, Ryerson University, 2017.
Children’s Rights Award, Ryerson University, 2016.
International Work Experience Fund Award, Ryerson University, 2015.
International Volunteer Headquarters Organization Award to those who advocate for the soc o-environmental development in communities around the world.
Volunteer of the Year Award, IVHQ 2015
Graduate Fellowship, Ryerson University 2017.
Graduate Development Award, Ryerson University, 2017.
Nancy C. Sprott Award, Ryerson University, 2016.
President’s Award of Excellence—Ryerson University, 2015.
Award by (fmr.) President Sheldon Levy for outstanding achievement in social justice & humanitarian efforts in India